Telephone leads in the staffing and secondment industry

As a marketer at/for an employment or secondment agency, you naturally want to bring as many valuable candidates as possible into contact with the recruiters. With Qooqie's techniques, you can boost these conversions.

More applicants at a lower cost

Of course, many applicants come in online, by filling out a form. But don't underestimate how many people prefer to contact us by phone. With Qooqie, you can make a lot more of that. And because you know exactly where the best applicants are coming from, you can end campaigns that don't deliver enough. This also reduces your costs!

25% of candidates call first

A quarter of candidates call before applying. For example, because their CV is not yet finished. We'll show you which campaigns and channels are responsible for this.

More placements with quick follow-up

Candidates often have multiple applications pending at the same time. A quick follow-up increases the chance of a placement. With our smart software, you can automate this.

10% lower CPL possible

Adding data from phone calls to your reports gives you valuable insights. Choose Qooqie's solution and reduce your CPL by up to 10%.


"The telephone as a conversion channel is of vital importance in the temporary employment and secondment sector. Do you want to use your budget effectively? Analyze call data just as well as online data."


With Qooqie, your business grows faster

At Qooqie, we are not only your supplier of call tracking. Your regular contact person will be happy to assist you as a strategic business partner. This way you regularly get good advice and surprising insights. And do you have a question of your own, or an ultimate wish? Then we will continue until you are satisfied.

Many successful companies have preceded you.

Integrations in an instant

Data Studio
My Company
Google Ads
Google Ads

How many more candidates would you like to speak to?