Telephone leads in the business 2 business

In the B2B industry, a large part of all contacts take place by telephone. As a marketer, do you still only focus on online leads and conversions? Then you miss out on a lot of data, which means that your campaigns do not perform optimally. Qooqie knows the telephony channel through and through and is happy to help you get the most out of it. A phone call isn't always an instant conversion, but that doesn't mean it doesn't bring value.

Personal contact is underestimated

In this digital age, many companies underestimate the power of personal contact. Companies in the B2B sector are aware of this importance, but they miss out on opportunities when it comes to marketing. For example, the lead follow-up within an hour is more important than the actual message.


70% of conversion paths include a phone call

Phone calls are a very important part of conversion paths within B2B. Find out which campaigns are driving calls, and optimize your marketing.

50% don't call for sales, but for support

Half of all calls to your company consist of support questions. This is often preceded by a paid click. Qooqie gives you more insight into this, so you can optimize your campaigns and content.

30% is too little to determine a good ROAS

Based on only 30% attributed conversions, your ROAS is anyone's guess. With Qooqie's smart tools, you can complete your data.


"The telephone is essential in the business market. Long-term relationships always start by first having been in contact with a representative."


With Qooqie, your business grows faster

In the business market, it goes without saying that companies work with a good CRM package. Qooqie is happy to take on the challenge of linking the data to your customer base so that you generate and convert more leads.

Many successful companies have preceded you.

Integrations in an instant

Data Studio
My Company
Google Ads
Google Ads

How many extra leads do you want to convert?