Telephone leads in healthcare

More leads, more treatments, and more sales. And that without more marketing budget, With Qooqie's smart solutions, this is also within reach for your healthcare organization. Based on data, and with the right software, we improve your performance together.

More clients in the treatment room

Have you also noticed that phone calls often result in an appointment? That's for good reason. On average, phone leads are much further along in their decision-making process than people who fill out a form online. To spend your healthcare marketing budget efficiently, you naturally want to invest in campaigns that bring you the warmest leads. And to ensure that those leads actually make an appointment, a quick follow-up is of vital importance. That's easier than it might sound. Qooqie has all the tools you need to make this happen.

Click-to-call only 70% reliable

Click-to-call seems to be a useful tool for your website. But with such a low reliability of your reports, it is risky to blindly sail on this compass. Qooqie has the perfect alternative for you.

80% of the first appointments made by phone

80% of your new clients come to your organization by phone. Do you know which online campaigns are responsible for this? With our smart software, you can easily find out.

25% of your leads convert with the competitor

Your organization is probably not available by phone 24/7. Warm leads who want to call you will eventually convert with your competitor. Fortunately, we have the solution for you.


"In healthcare, many leads convert over the phone. That's why it's important to analyze them as well as your online leads and conversions. That way, you collect valuable data, which allows you to spend your marketing budget more efficiently."


Qooqie is more than just a supplier

Are you looking for a party that does more than just deliver smart software? Then you've come to the right place at Qooqie! We like to think along with you as a business partner, in order to make a maximum impact on the performance of your company. Be surprised by our insights and creative ideas.

Many successful companies have preceded you.

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How many additional clients do you welcome in the treatment room?