Measure calls from specific traffic sources
Measure calls from specific traffic sources

Among other things, call tracking gives you insight into which traffic sources are responsible for telephone conversions. Of course you can measure all traffic sources by default. But you can also consciously choose to use call tracking for only one or a few traffic sources. Depending on what your goal is, this can have several advantages.

Collect only data that you also use

Data-driven work has been on the rise for years. And rightly so, because to measure is to know. You generally make better decisions based on data than on gut feeling. As a result, many companies developed, sometimes unconsciously, an insatiable hunger for data. 'The more data we have, the more valuable insights we gain from it' seems to be the thinking here. Practice is just often different. Our advice is to take your goals as your starting point. Then determine what call tracking data you need to make your objectives measurable. For example, are you a marketer specializing in social media? Then you probably have little use for insight into phone conversions through Google Ads. But measuring social channels is indispensable for you. Did you know that you can now also gain insight down to campaign level based on UTM tracking?

Managing traffic sources: here's how it works

In Qooqie's call tracking application, you decide which traffic sources to measure. You do this via Traffic sources > Overview. Per channel you can switch them on and off via the gear wheel. Would you like to read in detail how to add dynamic and offsite campaigns? Then go to Qooqie Support.Check how your traffic sources are configured

Saving as a side benefit

Do you measure only the traffic sources that offer you the insights you need? Then not only is that clear, but you may also save on your marketing budget. Because fewer call tracking numbers are shown on your website, you may have enough with a smaller Qooqie subscription. Do you have questions about this, or would you like advice on which channels are best to measure? Then get in touch with your regular contact person.

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Nick Velthuizen