Enrich your insights with Qooqie's Data Studio template
Enrich your insights with Qooqie's Data Studio template

At Qooqie, we like to make it even easier for our partners and clients. The call tracking data was already insightful in our own dashboard and through various integrations, such as with Google Analytics. Three years ago, we added a Google Data Studio connector. With this, Qooqie was one of the first in the Netherlands. Many partners use it to show even more conversions and be able to assign them to their efforts. We have now completely renewed this connector, making it even easier to include call tracking data in your reports.

Clear at a glance

All the data found in our call tracking application can also be found in the new Data Studio template. Complemented by new visualizations that provide you with even more insights. This new dashboard is not only useful for yourself. Using this template, you can easily communicate the results to your clients every month. After all, beautifully designed data visualizations say more than raw data and dry numbers. In our new template you can easily zoom in on certain segments. You do that using the seven controls at the top. For example, do you want to base the report only on new customers? Then you simply select this and then see where, when and how those calls came about.


Create your own dashboard within 2 minutes

Within minutes you can easily create your own Qooqie dashboard within Google Data Studio. First, you establish the link to Data Studio from our application. Then you create the dashboard within a few clicks. Go to Qooqie Support for a step-by-step description.

Integrate Qooqie data into your own Google Data Studio environment

Even more interesting is to have your call tracking data and your online data in one view. You can do that in Google Analytics as well, but Google Data Studio gives you more options. One of the differences is that Analytics only retrieves target measurements and not the raw call data. With our link to Data Studio this is the case. This makes it even easier to take a deep dive into the data. Wondering how to do this? Get in touch with your contact person.

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Nick Velthuizen