Colleague speaking: Nick Velthuizen
Colleague speaking: Nick Velthuizen

This month in "Colleague to the Word," it's Nick Velthuizen's turn. Many partners and customers know Nick, and Nick knows them. As Customer Success Manager, he is the go-to person when it comes to technical questions and coming up with customized solutions. But what if even he doesn't know the answer? And what's his tip for new Qooqie partners? You can read all that in this interview.

First, can you tell me how you came to Qooqie?

"That was about four years ago by now. I had to graduate from the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. Youri then approached me because Qooqie still had space. So I started my graduate internship here and then I actually started working here."

In the meantime, you are Customer Success Manager. What does a typical workday of yours look like?

"A typical workday starts in the morning with a cup of coffee. Then I check the mailbox. Do customers have any questions? Do they need help with anything? Then I get to work on open tickets. During the day, new questions, tickets and ideas are always added. In addition, I often have close contact with our development team. If technical things need to be taken care of, or if there are requests that I cannot solve myself, I take them up with them. Every day is different. I don't have a set schedule that tells me which things I'll be doing today and which things I'll be doing tomorrow. In fact, due to emergencies, among other things, my priorities change regularly."

That sounds like a versatile job. What do you actually enjoy most about your job?

"Just the variety of work I'm involved with. I'm not always working on the same things. There is always something different. And I have a lot of customer contact, which also makes my job beautiful. Every day I talk to customers. They know who I am and if they have questions, they know who to contact. Together with the customer I look for the perfect solution for their business. That makes my job incredibly fun."

You are always dealing with customers and the questions they have. Does it ever happen that you don't know an answer?

"Yes! I will never say I have the answer to everything. At such times you have to tell your customer honestly that you don't know the answer, but that you will do everything in your power to come up with a good answer. Sometimes I need a colleague from Sales for that, and other times I need someone from Development. For example, if something needs to be built so that our script functions better on a certain website. Sometimes it is also necessary to brainstorm strategically with a colleague. The two of us can often come up with something great, so that a customer gets a super good solution."

There are many new developments at Qooqie, including Qooqie Support. How will this online knowledge base affect your work?

"It's easy that I can now refer clients to Qooqie Support as well. With every question I get from a customer, I check whether we already have something about this topic in Qooqie Support'. And if not, such a question is often good input for a new article, so that other customers can easily find the answer themselves'. It's twofold, though. On the one hand, you want customers to be able to find their own answers. And on the other hand, you also want customers to continue to help themselves, because they actually like the personal contact."

What tips do you have for potential partners who want to get a good start with call tracking?

"Make sure you are clear about what your goal is and how you want to achieve it. At Qooqie, we have many features and advanced technical solutions that we can offer you. But it's a shame if they don't contribute to the goal you have, or if they turn out not to be possible in your situation. My interest is not just to sell as much as possible. Your goals are the starting point. Together we can then determine which features will help you best. I like to help you get the most out of what you already have. The more concrete your goals are, the better we can help you realize them."

I also like to close this interview with a personal quote. What quote of yours would you like to share?

"Always try to be curious about what moves the other person. You can learn so much from this and get inspiration yourself for your work, but also for your personal life!"