Complete your ROI insight
Complete your ROI insight

Whether you're a marketer working on the client or agency side, in both situations you want to be able to determine your ROI as accurately as possible. Are you currently only measuring online conversions? If so, you're probably missing a lot of data. Therefore, for many organizations, measuring telephone conversions makes sense. You do this through call tracking and it allows you to demonstrate even better what your marketing campaigns are delivering.

Why measure telephone conversions?

Many marketers overlook telephone conversions. That's not only a shame; it also carries a real risk. With missing data, it is difficult to optimize your campaigns in a targeted way. We regularly see that campaigns that generate disappointing online conversions result in many telephone conversions. Are you not including telephony in your marketing strategy? Then it seems a logical choice to end this type of campaign, or drastically adjust it. Then your conversions plummet, and you have no idea what the reason is. Call tracking is what you need in order to accurately calculate your ROI and to optimize your campaigns.

Integrate telephone conversions into your existing systems

Do you choose call tracking from Qooqie? Then you get access to a clear dashboard from which you can extract a lot of data and insights. Think for example about how many calls a specific campaign or page generates. But it is of course even more convenient if you can add this valuable data to other systems you already use. And fortunately, you can! You can easily integrate your call tracking data into systems such as:

  • Google Analytics
  • Google Ads
  • Google data studio
  • WiQhit
  • Swydo
  • Hubspot
  • Salesforce
  • Guts
  • Datatrics
  • Your own system

Get in touch and discover the added value for your organization

Are you curious what call tracking can do for your organization? Then we would love to get in touch with you. Schedule an online meeting now. Our specialists will be happy to tell you more about how you can improve your ROI.

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Nick Velthuizen