Rate telephone leads for more complete data
Rate telephone leads for more complete data

Call tracking measures how callers found your business. This data is used by marketers to determine the success of marketing efforts and optimize campaigns.

While optimizing campaigns, the question remains what these calls have yielded or for which department the call was made. Because if you know this, you can supplement the telephone contact moments with even more valuable data.

With Qooqie you can classify telephone leads, so you know through which channels the most valuable leads are realized. You get more insight into where in the funnel telephone calls take place and what the value of these contact moments is. In this blog, we explain the functionalities to you.

Reviewing calls after the fact

Retrospective review is among one of Qooqie's call tracking features. The module allows users to easily review incoming calls with the keys on their phones. For example, as a telephone operator, you can indicate with a touch of your device when a lead was generated and how valuable the lead was. You can even indicate whether a sale took place and how much it generated.

The configuration possibilities of this module are endless. We offer a default pre-set of ratings. However, it is possible to configure this menu independently to your own liking. So you can always decide which information you want to capture.


Assessing in advance

With pre-rating, as opposed to post-rating, the responsibility for rating calls lies with the callers themselves. When a person calls your company, they hear a menu of choices beforehand. In this way, the caller can specify the department he or she is calling for or the intent.

For example, the welcome menu might look like this:

''Welcome to Qooqie. Key 1 for a quote request, Key 2 to speak to a consultant and Key 3 for administration or other questions''

The configuration of this functionality is always prepared together with a Qooqie consultant. The implementation always involves customization, because every organization has its own requirements.

Recall reviews in Google Analytics

By rating calls, you find out the actual behavior of your target audience. Naturally, you want these ratings incorporated into Google Analytics. That way, you optimize campaigns based on more complete data.

Sometimes 3 calls from Google Ads can yield more than 10 calls from a newsletter. Reviewing calls will help you figure out which marketing channel is the most profitable and optimize for quality rather than quantity from now on.

Have questions or want to start reviewing calls right away? Then get in touch today! There is an enthusiastic team ready for you.

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Nick Velthuizen