Call Tracking data import with Webhooks or REST API
Call Tracking data import with Webhooks or REST API

At Qooqie, we are quite proud of our call tracking dashboard. Here you can easily see all the interesting data in nicely visualized graphs and charts. But we also know that as a marketer you already work with many other systems. So it's nice to have all the data together. That's why we offer various integrations, including with many Google systems. Another way to import your call tracking data is through a REST API or Webhooks. We would be happy to talk to you about the latter two options.

The differences between Webhooks and REST API

First, we'll give a brief explanation of exactly what Webhooks and REST API are, and where the two differ. Webhooks is a technique that sends messages to an external system (your system) as soon as something changes. As a result, you always have real-time access to the most recent data.

Do you want to import the data not via Webhooks, but via a REST API? Then that works a little differently. The principle of an API is that you let two different applications communicate with each other through a certain tool. The client (your system) makes a request to a server via an API, and receives the response via that same API.

Two major differences are that data traffic with a REST API works through fixed intervals. Thus, there is usually some delay in the data. With Webhooks, this is not the case. In addition, because of those fixed intervals, a lot of unnecessary data traffic occurs with a REST API. Through Qooqie's Webhooks link, data is sent only when data is added. This happens when a call is started, and when a call is completed and processed.

Interested? Get in touch

Are you looking for the most appropriate way to import call tracking data into your system? Possibly Webhooks or REST API is the best solution, but at Qooqie we have many other integrations that might be of interest. Your regular contact at Qooqie is happy to help you with this.Contact us

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Nick Velthuizen