This channel gets you more leads and sales, and costs you almost nothing
This channel gets you more leads and sales, and costs you almost nothing

Keep optimizing campaigns to increase website conversion rates. Marketers often have a day job doing this. But once the low-hanging fruit has been picked? Then try again to ensure significant results. Unless you start focusing more on one specific channel. A tip of the hat: You probably have this one on your desk, or have one in your pocket.

Is the phone as a conversion channel in the blind spot with you, too?

The channel we are referring to here is the telephone! In this digital age, many marketers focus solely on online leads and conversions. Depending on your industry and target audience, that can be a good strategy. But that way, some of your leads and conversions end up in a blind spot. Do you know what campaign is causing people to call you? And do you also tie website visitors who want to call you to your business outside of business hours? If you answered "no" to these questions at least once, it's smart to read on.

Callers are your warmest leads

Callers are a very interesting target group. On average, they are already further along in the customer journey than people who only look at the website and possibly fill out an online form. Therefore, the chance that a caller converts is much higher.

As a marketer, you naturally want many more of these leads. But does your organization follow up on all of them? Often not, because leads also feel the need to call outside your opening hours. In addition, not all companies are equally accessible during business hours. To keep as many leads as possible on board, organizations use different tools. These include contact forms, call me back forms and chatbots. But are they effective? Download our brochure now and discover how you can retain as many leads as possible.

Find out how other companies generated more revenue

Are you curious to know how other companies achieved more sales by handling phone calls smarter? Our specialists will be happy to show you! Not convinced yet? Then read first how one of our partners uses our solutions.

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Nick Velthuizen