How did call tracking come about?
How did call tracking come about?

With call tracking, you measure how callers found your business. This data is used by marketing and sales teams to measure the success of campaigns and optimize future marketing strategies.

Analog era

The basis of call tracking formed back in the analog era. The era when businesses began actively using the telephone. Business owners welcomed new leads and often asked the following question: ''How did this lead find us?'' By getting answers to this question, entrepreneurs could correlate incoming leads to specific campaigns and/or efforts. This authentic method is still used by many businesses to identify which marketing efforts produce the most contact moments and conversions.

Today, Qooqie call tracking is much more than just measuring a telephone contact moment. The tool has evolved to provide the most accurate way to find out how telephone leads got in touch with your organization.

Where does call tracking stand now?

Today (2020), call tracking makes it possible to map customer search, browsing and calling behavior down to the campaign level. This gives marketers insight into the actual performance of their marketing efforts and know where their leads are coming from. Today's call tracking data is easily integrated into Google Analytics, Google Ads, Google Data Studio and more. Thus, Qooqie enhances the tools you work in most every day.

Who is call tracking relevant to?

When companies invest in marketing, they often don't know which marketing channels are responsible for which calls, who callers are and what their lead value is. Call tracking helps marketers map out the full response rate to their campaigns. As a result, a more complete return-on-investment can be calculated and future marketing strategies can be optimized based on complete data.

In short, call tracking is relevant to almost every industry. Except when, as an organization, you don't have a website and largely do word-of-mouth advertising. At that point, you don't need a call tracking platform to analyze the search, surfing, and calling behavior of your target audience.

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Nick Velthuizen