How do I get all calls into Google Analytics?
How do I get all calls into Google Analytics?

In this first question of the month, we address a question our support department regularly receives. 'How do I get all calls into Google Analytics?' It sometimes happens that a new user has established the link between the Qooqie app and Google Analytics, but still not all calls are visible. Fortunately, this problem is easily and quickly remedied.

Check your settings in the Qooqie app

The first step is to check that the following three settings in the Qooqie app are correct:

  • Are the right events enabled?
  • Is there a minimum call duration enabled?
  • Is the UA code correct?

Are the right events enabled?

In the Qooqie app, you need to set whether, and if so which, call data you want to forward to Google Analytics. To do this, go to Integrations > Google Analytics. Make sure the top slider, 'Google Analytics events' is enabled. Are you also using offsite call tracking (for phone numbers outside your own website)? Then also enable the second slider: 'Events for offsite calls'. Don't forget to save this change.


Is there a minimum call duration enabled?

Another reason some calls are not visible in Analytics is because you have set a minimum call duration for events. You probably did that for a good reason. Because some calls last so short that there can't be an actual conversation. Did a call last only a few seconds? Then this was possibly someone who already disconnected during the call menu, or a customer with an appointment who called to say he will be a few minutes late. It makes sense that you don't want those calls in Analytics. Do you want this? Then uncheck the "Minimum call duration events" slider. Want to adjust the minimum call duration? Then enter a different call duration in seconds. In either case, save your change.


Is the UA code correct?

The Qooqie app is linked to Google Analytics based on a UA code, also called tracking ID. This code is in the source of your website, so Google knows in which Analytics account the data should go. While establishing the link between the Qooqie app and Google Analytics, our system automatically looks for the UA code on your website. Do you have multiple UA codes? Then our system adopts the first code it comes across. In the Qooqie app, you can find this code via Settings > Implementation > Domains. Is this not the correct code? Then verify your domain again. Do you now see the correct UA code? Then click on 'Save'. Do you still see an incorrect code? Then contact Support.


Check your filters in Analytics

Using filters in Google Analytics, you can create different views of your data. Very handy! But filters also prevent some of your data from being displayed. Were your settings in the Qooqie app correct? Then the filters will probably prevent you from seeing all call data. You can check this by viewing your data in Analytics without filters. Do you see the calls now? Then take a critical look at the filters you have set, and adjust them to show your call data.

Check that you are reading through all destination numbers

During the implementation of call tracking, you created an initial destination. A destination is associated with a destination number. This is an original phone number of your organization. Does your organization have multiple phone numbers (for example, for different branches or departments)? Then the calls to these numbers are only monitored if you create new destinations for them in the Qooqie app. Go to Qooqie Support and find out how to do this. Can we help you with this? If so, feel free to contact your regular contact person.

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Nick Velthuizen