Psst... Did you know your leads are cheating?
Psst... Did you know your leads are cheating?

You invest a lot of money in them, but due to a lack of attention they still end up in the arms of their neighbor. This, of course, is about warm leads that come to your website, and end up converting at the competitor's because you didn't follow up with them fast enough. Lead leakage is what we call it. For many business owners, this is a big problem that they are not aware of. The good news is that you can easily stop lead-leakage.

What is lead leakage?

Lead leakage is losing warm leads to a competitor. And it happens in a variety of ways.

Your business is not reachable

A lead is looking for a product or service. The warm lead comes to your website and has some questions about your service or product. He wants to go call the company, but sees that the company is closed. The customer cannot reach you and decides to look further at the competition. In some cases, the lead resolves to contact you again later. The reality is that the warm lead often does not do this, either because they forget or no longer have a need.

You react too late

Within many companies, it is normal to request multiple quotes from different companies when it comes to making purchases. Quotations are requested and a company is chosen based on these. An important aspect is of course the price on the quotation, but also the speed of response to the request is decisive. 50% of all sales go to the party that responds first to the request for quotation. So it is important to respond quickly to a lead before it has been helped by the competitor.

Customer searches when you can't

If you are not available at the right time for your lead, chances are he will end up with a competitor. The lead searches further on the web because you are closed, for example, in the evening, outside business hours. The lead then decides to search again the following morning. He uses the same search term in Google and comes across a competitor of yours, because they happen to be at the top of the list at the time. Which, of course, is reachable at that time. So, Alas! Lead leaked away to the competition.

Some of these leads arrived at your website after a paid click. Besides losing the warm lead, you also threw away part of the marketing budget and generated sales for the competitor.

Do you recognize this problem? Or not, and are you curious if this is happening to you?

Then read on here for the best way to stop lead leakage

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Nick Velthuizen