Here's how to discover which campaigns are driving phone conversions
Here's how to discover which campaigns are driving phone conversions

Many marketers have a strong focus on online conversions. And rightly so, because many conversions take place online. But the danger of this focus is that it ignores telephone conversions. Did you know that callers are often warm leads? Qooqie lets you discover which marketing efforts generate telephone leads. And that's only step one, because based on this data, you can start ensuring even more telephone leads and conversions.

Measure where your calls are coming from

Want to know where your calls are coming from and what the full customer journey of phone-converting leads looks like? Then start call tracking today and attribute inbound calls to all your marketing efforts.

What is call tracking?

With call tracking from Qooqie, you measure telephone contact moments and conversions. By using special tracking phone numbers, you discover which keywords, campaigns and pages on your website generate calls. This is possible because each simultaneous website visitor is shown a different phone number. Qooqie's intelligent script automatically loads those numbers. Does your phone number also appear in places outside your website? Calls to these numbers can be measured with offsite call tracking. This allows you to see whether someone calls in response to, for example, a flyer, business card or Google My Company. Call tracking gives you insight into the real customer journey. Because are you not measuring calls? Then the customer journey will look completely different. This increases the chance that you draw the wrong conclusions and implement intended optimizations that in practice turn out differently.

Generate more phone leads based on data

The data in the Qooqie call tracking application helps you generate more phone leads. Both based on quantitative and qualitative data. To start with, you can look at the number of calls per keyword. Then try to become even more findable on these keywords by creating valuable content. You can also look for new relevant keywords that convert well by phone. You can do this by using our Call Recording module to listen back to conversations. This way you can find out what is going on with your target group and how the needs of callers differ from those of customers who arrange everything online. Based on this info, you can define new telephone-converting keywords. Make sure you also become findable on these keywords and discover with call tracking whether this is a new source of telephone conversions.

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Nick Velthuizen