4 reasons why every marketing agency should deploy Call Tracking
4 reasons why every marketing agency should deploy Call Tracking

By no means all marketing agencies are using call tracking yet. That's a shame, because you're missing out on a lot of valuable insights. Insights with which you can do an even better job of serving your clients, and make them even more loyal to your organization. Here are 4 reasons why you can't do without call tracking.

1. Drive campaigns based on complete conversion data

You know the saying "Half of my marketing budget is wasted money. I just don't know which half'? We recognize this image in many organizations that want to start with call tracking. They invest in nice campaigns and see that this attracts traffic to the website and that some of it also converts. But somewhere they feel they can do better, but they don't know how. When we then take them into the world of telephone conversions, the penny drops. Many marketers only look at the online performance of their campaigns. But then you may be missing a big part of the puzzle. Despite the online age we live in, the telephone plays a major role in many industries. In fact, phone leads are often hotter than online leads. Call tracking allows you to also measure the telephone response to your marketing. Successfully optimizing campaigns is then a lot easier.

2. Complete your reports so you can better demonstrate your value

A logical consequence of point 1, is that with complete conversion data, you can also make the reports for your clients more complete. In other words, you can demonstrate more leads and conversions, and also link them directly to your work. And the more leads and conversions you provide, the happier your clients are with you.

3. Turn new customers into loyal customers

Have you created happy customers with the previous two points? Then it is more likely that these customers will remain loyal to your agency. A condition is that your clients really see what results you achieve for them. So don't be too modest and show everything in your reports. Want to know more about how to better demonstrate ROI to your clients? Then read this article we wrote on the subject.

4. The 7 partner benefits of Qooqie

At Qooqie, we believe in long-term partnerships with marketing agencies. Our partner managers therefore invest a lot of time to make our partnership a great success. Not only before you sign our partnership agreement, but also during implementation and afterwards. We also offer you 7 important advantages. We tell you all about them in our white paper 'The benefits of a partnership with Qooqie'.

Be convinced

Of course, we hope we have convinced you with the reasons in this article. Are you curious about the experiences of other marketing agencies? Then read this interview with Johan Kortekaas of Eye-C, or the interview with Charley Vermij of Vsee. Of course, every agency is different. That is why our specialists are happy to talk to you without any obligation. During an online meeting we would like to get to know you better and show you in what ways we can be of added value.

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Nick Velthuizen