The telephone is becoming increasingly important in the customer journey
The telephone is becoming increasingly important in the customer journey

In many industries, the telephone is becoming an increasingly important touchpoint within the customer journey. This may seem like a not-so-obvious trend, but if you assume that a certain percentage of your visitors contact you by phone, it already makes a lot more sense. Because is the number of website visitors increasing? Then you can expect to be called more often as well.

Corona reinforces trend toward online and telephony

It is, of course, well known that people are managing more and more online. Shopping, making appointments and banking are just a small sample of these. Since 2020, this trend has been accelerating for many businesses as a result of government measures around corona. During the various lockdowns, people were forced to avoid, or find it harder, to visit physical branches. It is likely that some of the people who have started to do more online business will continue to do so after corona. But how big that group is, and what you as a marketer in a specific industry will notice? That remains to be seen for now.

Generate more phone conversions with call tracking

Whatever the future looks like, it's best to prepare as best you can. You do that by optimizing your website and your marketing campaigns for telephone conversions. By the way, did you know that callers are more valuable than online leads? Step one is to make telephone conversions measurable. You do that with call tracking. Call tracking gives you insight into the origin of calls from your website. This allows you to discover, among other things, which ads and paid search terms generate the most calls. And which ones generate the fewest. These insights teach you how best to optimize your marketing strategy.

Optimize your website

As mentioned, there is an x percentage of your online visitors who contact you by phone. How large this percentage is varies by industry, by company and sometimes by the time of year. Yet you yourself also have a lot of influence on how many people call you. By applying some tricks you can make this as attractive and easy as possible:

  • Make sure your phone number is in a prominent place on your website.
  • Also place your phone number in buttons.
  • Use microcopy to give people extra encouragement to call.

Are you using call tracking from Qooqie? Then you can see exactly what percentage of visitors are calling you before and after these optimizations.

Not using call tracking yet? Schedule an online Qooqie Quarterly with no obligation. Our specialists will be happy to tell you more about what we can do for your organization.
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Nick Velthuizen