Understanding conversion paths as a basis for optimizations
Understanding conversion paths as a basis for optimizations

You probably know very well which pages are most important to your company or client. But do you also know whether visitors exhibit the desired behavior here? You can find out by taking a close look at the conversion paths of the most important pages, for example in Google Analytics. Does it turn out that all visitors are doing exactly what you want? Then you can stop reading here. But do you actually see that the behavior of visitors is different than hoped for? Then the conversion paths form the basis for optimizations.

Optimize your content and internal link structure

For example, do you see that an important page has a high bounce rate? Or that people are clicking through, but not leading to conversions? Then take a closer look at the internal link structure of your website. Possibly visitors do want to click through to other pages, but you offer no / insufficient / not the right opportunities for this. Always think from the reader's point of view. For each page, try to think about what other pages are interesting and link to them.

Give telephone contact a more prominent role

With the right content in the right place, you're helping visitors get their questions answered easily and quickly. But are you also making it easy for them to convert? Many marketers think so. "There's a clear order button on product pages, right? Of course that's hugely important, but it's only focused on online conversions. And that while telephone leads are more valuable than completed web forms. Therefore, always place a second call to action next to the order button, aimed at telephone contact. Think of: 'call us for advice' or 'or a button with your phone number. Based on an A/B test, you can discover what works best and how big the differences in conversion are.


Qooqie specialists provide no-obligation advice

Call tracking, of course, is not an end, but a means. Our specialists know that all too well. That's why we go a few steps further than just offering call tracking. Whatever your goal, your dedicated contact person will be happy to help you achieve it. During a data call, we combine your call tracking data with our knowledge and experience and any points of improvement on the website. This is guaranteed to give you surprising insights and concrete action points.
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Nick Velthuizen