Is Call Tracking interesting for my business?
Is Call Tracking interesting for my business?

At Qooqie, we are often asked if call tracking is interesting for my company. Not from our partners and customers, because they experience the benefits of our innovative software on a daily basis. Especially organizations that have not heard of Call Tracking before, wonder if it is interesting. Does the same apply to you? Then answer two questions:

  • Does your organization have a website with a phone number?
  • Do phone calls contribute to your sales?

Is the answer "yes" twice? Then the short conclusion is that call tracking adds value to your business. Want to know why this is so? Then read on.

The Benefits of Call Tracking

With call tracking, you automatically replace the phone number on your website (or outside it) with a special tracking number. This number is forwarded to the original phone number, so you won't notice anything in practice. Qooqie's innovative technology offers your organization many advantages, such as:

  • Understanding the keywords and campaigns that lead phone contact and conversions.
  • Understanding the entire customer journey of callers.
  • More complete data, making you better informed and making better decisions.
  • Insights you can use to optimize your content strategy data-driven.

Take advantage of additional modules in the Qooqie app

Do you choose call tracking from Qooqie? Then you also get access to a number of handy modules. This allows you to get the most out of your telephone calls.

Call review

With Call Review, you add even more interesting data to calls. This allows you to do in-depth analysis and gather even more insights. For example, by reviewing calls, you capture whether it's an existing customer or a lead, and whether the call resulted in a sale, and if so, what the value was.

call notifications

Do you enable the Call Notifications module? Then you can set up which types of calls you will automatically receive a notification via e-mail. For example, you can receive a notification of a missed call, including important lead information. This way, you can quickly call back warm leads. You can also set up to receive notifications of certain types of calls, including call recordings.

Call recording

By deploying Call recording, you record every call to a call tracking number for quality control and training purposes. Listen back to these calls and train your employees even more specifically based on quality data.

Call Tracking indispensable for multiple departments

The uniqueness of call tracking is that you can use it in many ways. So it is a technique that is interesting for multiple departments within your organization. Below, we'll tell you more about the three departments that use call tracking the most.

Call Tracking for Marketing

Both marketing agencies and in-house marketing departments enjoy working with call tracking from Qooqie. The main reasons are:

  • A more complete understanding of audience behavior.
  • Maximize ROI through keyword tracking.
  • Qooqie's integrations with other tools.

> read more about call tracking for Marketing.

Call Tracking for Sales

Call tracking supports sales teams in achieving their goals. Qooqie contributes to this by:

  • Better lead tracking through comprehensive insight into reachability;
  • gain insights and make optimizations based on average call duration;
  • to zoom in on the question behind the question, and thus better understand the actual behavior of the target audience.

> read more about call tracking for Sales

Call Tracking for Customer Service

Good customer service is literally worth its weight in gold. After all, excellent service contributes to the proportion of loyal customers, and therefore to cross- and upsell and a higher Customer Lifetime Value. Call tracking enables you to make various improvements within your customer service:

  • More focused coaching of employees through the Call recording module.
  • Callers get the right person on the line faster by setting up multiple destinations.
  • Reduce the number of service requests, and therefore costs, by optimizing the content on your website.

> read more about call tracking for Customer Service

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Nick Velthuizen