Is Call Tracking also suitable for companies committed to call reduction?
Is Call Tracking also suitable for companies committed to call reduction?

There are several reasons why companies deploy call tracking. The main goals are usually to discover which customer journey preceded telephone conversions, and to further optimize campaigns accordingly. A question we also sometimes get is whether call tracking can contribute to the opposite: fewer inbound calls, or call reduction. The short answer is: it certainly can! This is interesting for e-commerce companies, among others, who for reasons of (cost) efficiency prefer to handle everything online, without the intervention of human contact.

Call Tracking analyzes why people call your business

By using call tracking, you can discover which campaigns and landing pages generate calls. You can use this data to generate more calls, but also to reduce the number of calls. Do you know which content on your website raises questions? Or which campaign generates many telephone conversions, but few online conversions? Then you know better which buttons to turn in order to receive fewer calls.

Here's how it works

The essence of call tracking is that all simultaneous visitors to your Web site are shown a different phone number. All those phone numbers are redirected to your organization's original number. So in practice, you don't notice any of this. Our technology makes the customer journey that preceded each phone call visible. This gives you valuable insights, which you can use to realize fewer calls. A few examples:

Example 1 - Pages that generate questions

You can see in our dashboard that one specific page on your website is responsible for many calls. Try looking at this one through the eyes of a visitor. What questions does the text raise? What would a visitor's intent be on this page? And does the content of the page match this? You may already see several improvements you can make to the page. Want to get it absolutely right? Then listen back to a number of conversations. That way you can hear firsthand why people picked up the phone and didn't convert online. Or you may discover that certain information on your website is not findable. Listening back to conversations is easy with our call recording module.

Example 2 - Campaigns that generate calls

Also, it may not be specific pages that are causing calls, but rather the effect of a particular marketing campaign. Without call tracking, you would never have known this. In our dashboard you can see exactly which campaigns are causing a lot of calls. Look at this critically and try to figure out what element is causing people to call.

Example 3 - Know which mailings generate calls

Finally, it's good to know if mailings and newsletters cause a lot of phone calls. For two reasons:

  • Based on this data, you can adjust the content of the emails so that they cause fewer calls.
  • The call center manager, or the WFM manager, often wants to know in advance about mailings that are going to be sent. Staffing can then be adjusted accordingly.

Do you want to use call tracking (also) for this purpose? Then you can do so with offsite call tracking from Qooqie.

Our specialists will be happy to help you

Want to learn more about call tracking, and how our technology can reduce inbound calls for your organization or customer? Schedule a no-obligation online consultation with one of our specialists.Make an appointment now

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Nick Velthuizen