You're missing out on sales! And here's why.
You're missing out on sales! And here's why.

Is your organization's telephone accessibility not optimal? Then the consequences are greater than you think. You are losing sales, but does this also apply to your organization? Probably not! Or does it?

Did you know that, on average, companies miss 12% of all incoming calls? On average, one in eight of these callers is a warm lead that is not now converting.

If you know the average order value of your business, you can easily calculate how much revenue you are missing.

Many companies do not consider the fact that there are missed calls. One of the reasons is that the line has been taken by something other than a human being. For example, by voicemail or by a queue that a person ends up in when they call. The call is marked as successful without actually being contacted.

This can create a distorted picture the moment you dive into the switchboard because these calls are marked as taken.

Points of interest

How can I ensure that our organization's reachability goes up? Hiring more people to answer the phone is one way, however, there are several ways to improve reachability.

To get you started in understanding the data, we have highlighted the following points of interest:

Deliver phone calls to a mobile number

Some organizations have set up the telephony so that an unanswered call on location is transferred to another extension. Is the call eventually delivered to a mobile number and even then is not answered?

Then chances are the call will end up in a personal voicemail.

However, the telephone data shows that this was a successful call. After all, the call was taken by voicemail. Unfortunately, the data does not distinguish this.

One solution to this is to consider calls of less than 15 seconds as missed, because realistically, you can't make a sale in less than 15 seconds. This way you separate the wheat from the chaff and filter out most voicemail calls.


Do you use a queue? Then you are already one step ahead of the average customer-focused business! However, the queue takes the call. Callers may decide to hang up while waiting, and therefore you still miss the lead. Thus, there is no contact with an employee. Also, these calls do not show up as missed in your reports. Go take a look in your own telecom system to see if you can provide these kinds of insights!

Help yourself through notifications of missed calls

It may well happen that a call is missed. It's all about what you do then. On one hand, a lead wants as little effort as possible to bring their money to your organization. On the other hand, you also don't want leads to have to move heaven and earth to reach you. Should you miss a call, it's useful to set up a notification for this.

If you get a notification, it does not immediately improve your accessibility. The call is and remains missed. But, do you call back of your own accord, as soon as possible after the notification? Then you can still tie the lead to your company. Because many people do not expect to be called back, you can still create a wow moment.

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Nick Velthuizen