Client comments: Tim from Jurilex Letselschade
Client comments: Tim from Jurilex Letselschade

Qooqie operates in many different industries. Call tracking is therefore of value to many types of companies. One example is legal services. The interesting thing is that every company and every industry gets different insights from call tracking. Of course, we are always curious about this. That is why we interviewed Tim Luiten, marketer at Jurilex Letselschade.

Tim, can you first tell us a little more about Jurilex and your position here?

"Jurilex is a nationwide personal injury law firm. There are 14 independent entrepreneurs affiliated with our franchise formula. These are all lawyers who assist victims with personal injury after an accident. They help them recover their damages from the liable party. From our head office in De Meern, we take care of their marketing, among other things. As a marketer at Jurilex, I am responsible for the various campaigns we run. The nice thing about my job is that I deal with SEO, SEA and CRO. Since September last year, I have been supported in this by my colleague Daisy Schonenberg, who is responsible for B2B, which we also focus on. Our affiliated practices also contribute indirectly to our marketing activities. We deliver leads to them, and afterwards we often hear how the business went. That information, in turn, I can use in my campaign management."

To delve a little deeper into the customer journey; what role does telephony play in it?

"The phone plays a very important role with us. Not only can you call us, but you can also fill out a contact form online or use our chatbot. Those options are well used, but we do notice a clear preference to talk to a specialist in person. We measure the incoming calls with call tracking. That way I know exactly which campaigns, online and offline, are generating quality leads."

Did you know Qooqie and Call Tracking before you started at Jurilex?

"I only became familiar with call tracking when I joined Jurilex in 2019. They were already using your tool then. Soon after, you came to my office and I got to hear even more about your product. Call tracking makes it easier to separate the wheat from the chaff. Based on the data it generated, I was able to adjust our web texts, run tests and optimize campaigns. It's very nice that Qooqie provides the information needed to justify certain decisions. So call tracking has an important place in the whole customer journey. What I'm also very happy with are the integrations with Google Data Studio, for example. I work with more systems than just Qooqie. Then it's very nice that you can bring data from different tools together in one dashboard. Qooqie lends itself perfectly to that."

And are there results that, without the use of call tracking, you could not have achieved?

"There certainly are. For example, with the ads we serve out through Google. You can enrich those with call extensions. Thanks to call tracking data, we discovered that in some campaigns it was better not to use call extensions. There, people mainly clicked on the ad and read the text on the landing page. So from those ads, people were not calling the listed number directly. Without call tracking, we wouldn't have found that out so easily. We then removed the call extension from that ad.

An additional effect was that we received fewer low-quality leads. The people who did call directly from the ad were often in a situation where we couldn't help them. Would they have clicked through to the landing page? Then they could have read that there. Because we removed the phone number from the ad, we're already filtering out most of these leads."

At Qooqie, we believe in personal attention to our clients. How do you experience working with Qooqie?

"I have known you for over two years now and am very satisfied with our cooperation. You guys are approachable and the lines are always short. If I run into a problem or have a specific wish, you are always open to it. You really know your stuff. I appreciate that enormously."

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Nick Velthuizen