Retrospective call review: look beyond conversion
Retrospective call review: look beyond conversion

We record the phone calls you get through call tracking as conversions. In our dashboard, and in other systems that marketers use a lot, such as Google Analytics. But how valuable are those conversions? And which campaigns provide the most valuable leads? To find out, use our call tracking module "call assessment.

Lead qualification by retrospective call evaluation

Within the call assessment module, you can choose from several ways to assess calls. It depends on the purpose with which you want to assess calls, but is it really about assigning a value to call dates (lead qualification)? Then retrospective assessment is the ideal way. In practice, this works as follows:

  1. After the phone call, do not disconnect yourself, but let the lead/customer do so.
  2. After a second, the employee hears a tape with the assessment menu.
  3. The employee makes a selection using the keys on the phone.
  4. We record the review in the Qooqie dashboard, and in the systems you have linked to it.

What the review menu looks like? That's entirely up to you. As soon as you enable the module, we offer you a standard menu. But you can customize it completely to your liking.

Engage your employees for maximum success

As with many systems, the success of retrospective assessment also depends on the person working with it. In practice, we see that it is very important to carefully include employees who answer the phone in the process. Without, or with minimal explanation, they often see the assessment purely as extra work and there is a good chance that in practice they will disconnect too quickly. No calls are then assessed.

Import the data into Google Analytics

The dashboard in our call tracking application is extremely useful and provides you with a lot of information. But often it is even more convenient if all the data is together. That's why you can not only integrate call data into Google Analytics, but also call ratings. This works through a second event that we can send to Google Aanalytics.

Start reviewing calls now

Are you curious if call review is a good idea for your organization as well? And which method fits best with the goal you have? Then contact your regular contact person at Qooqie.

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Nick Velthuizen