Call notifications: don't let your leads walk away
Call notifications: don't let your leads walk away

Every lead is potentially a future loyal customer. So it is important that lead follow-up within your organization is well organized. Part of this is your reachability. Is your organization unable to answer every call? Then you run the risk that warm leads will seek refuge with the competition. This is something you want to prevent, and Qooqie call tracking supports you in this. The Call Notifications module ensures that you are on top of your missed calls, enabling you to take action.

Call notifications in a nutshell

Setting up call notifications is easy in the Qooqie call tracking application. You can set up customized notifications per employee. For example, you can set up that someone only receives notifications of calls from certain traffic sources. And whether notifications should only be about missed calls or also about answered calls. You can even have call recordings automatically sent as attachments via e-mail. However, you must first activate the call recording module.

Get the most out of call notifications: 4 tips

Call notifications are handy. But they only become indispensable if you use them properly. That's why we'd like to help you get started with four tips:

  • Quick callbacks increase the chances of keeping a lead on board. Despite the missed call, this way you surprise the lead in a positive way.
  • Make someone responsible for promptly following up on call notifications. This can be a different colleague per day, or you make one colleague responsible per traffic source.
  • Analyze which traffic sources and/or campaigns give you the best leads. Once you have multiple call notifications that have yet to be acted upon? Then start with the calls from the best performing traffic source/campaign.
  • Receiving call notifications may be an indication of structurally poor accessibility of your organization. Therefore, regularly check the dashboard of the Qooqie app for the 'Missed calls at time of day' heatmap. Here you can see per day of the week at what times your organization misses calls. Based on this, you can try to improve reachability.
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Nick Velthuizen