Qooqie and WiQhit optimize cross-channel customer journey
Qooqie and WiQhit optimize cross-channel customer journey

By linking Qooqie and WiQhit, companies score more online leads, and they can better manage the results.

For many websites, the actual conversion does not take place online. For example, when it comes to complex products with a high purchase price, on which an account manager has to give customized advice. Or jobs for which the candidate requests some additional information from an intermediary.  

So how do you know if your online efforts are having the desired return? And are you able to increase the number of online leads that convert offline? For a long time that was guesswork, but by joining forces, WiQhit and Qooqie know how to answer that.

Digital or real seller

"WiQhit presents itself as the digital salesperson on your website. By responding to the behavior of the online visitor, the software automatically knows how to show the right message to someone at the right time in the customer journey," says Jaap van Baar - co-owner of WiQhit.

"More and more of our clients are active in B2B. They don't necessarily have a website with a lot of traffic, but they do have a very specific target group with a strong interest and a potentially high customer value. The website often serves as a source of inspiration, after which visitors contact us by phone, for example, because they still want to speak to a real salesperson and that is outside our field of vision, so we lost them. Until the integration with Qooqie"

Joining forces

The strength is in the personal aspect. Both online and offline. WiQhit automatically assesses in which stage of the decision-making process the visitor is. If someone is visiting the site for the first time, chances are that he or she will want to look around first. You often see that people form a picture based on the experiences of others. WiQhit then uses personalizations that focus on social proof.

Next, the visitor is concretely interested in a particular service or product. Naming certainties and benefits then further sparks that interest and motivates them to take the next step in the process. That may be placing an online order, but sometimes the product or service does not lend itself to that.

The telephone is then pre-eminently a strong converting sales channel. The coupling of WiQhit and Qooqie makes it possible to show specific phone numbers to online visitors who have received a personalized message from WiQhit. Call tracking then allows you to track exactly how the buying process went outside the website. And thus whether the online visit led to a successful customer relationship.

From raw data to actionable statistics

Through call tracking, Qooqie uncovers the customer journey of leads that convert by phone. Not for nothing do many large marketing agencies partner with Qooqie. Their tool enables them to do much more effective marketing for their clients. In short: more valuable leads for the same budget. Qooqie distinguishes itself not only by providing a tool, but also by giving partners and clients maximum support in applying the data. Youri: "Are you starting with call tracking for the first time? Then the amount of raw data you generate can be overwhelming. We help you interpret this data in the right way. Based on actionable statistics, it is much easier to draw the right conclusions.

The match between WiQhit and Qooqie

Observant readers have probably already noticed that WiQhit and Qooqie are an extension of each other: where one stops, the other continues. As a user of WiQhit, this collaboration offers unique advantages:

  • First, you broaden the field of view across multiple channels, and you can offer the same person the same experience, which increases the likelihood of success.
  • Also for B2B and lead generation websites, this solution offers the opportunity to see exactly what online investments through offline channels bring in additional revenue.
  • Because you can measure exactly what the origin of successful leads has been, you can factbased increase the online marketing budget with proven greater results.
  • Better personalization by adding the telephone as an acquisition channel.
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Nick Velthuizen