Improve your business performance with call recording
Improve your business performance with call recording

Many organizations want to record the conversations they have with customers or leads. Makes sense, because with these recordings you can coach your employees in a more targeted way. But there are many more reasons why you should start call recording today. Not only if you want to improve your customer service, but also if you want to get the most out of your sales staff and marketing efforts. In this article, you'll discover what you can do with it, how it works, and why Qooqie is the place to be when it comes to call recording.

Call recording indispensable for many departments

Call recording is of interest to a large part of your organization. Customer service, sales and marketing departments can benefit from it.

Better coaching of your customer service

In addition to your website, your customer service is your organization's calling card. It is therefore essential to keep monitoring and improving the quality of your agents. Of course you can look at the number of calls taken, the average call duration and the sales made. But do you really want to train your employees in a targeted way? Then listening back to conversations is very valuable. Take a number of random samples per employee and discover pitfalls, missed opportunities and qualities. On this basis you will know better what your employees need to work on, and it will be easier to enter into a substantive conversation.

Learn from your top salespeople

Every salesperson has their own style of selling. As a result, some are also more successful than others. But what makes someone a better salesperson? Listen back to conversations of your best salespeople and try to discover the success factors. Share these with the rest of the team and learn from each other that way.

Find out what content is missing from your website

Some of your customers call because they couldn't find the answer to their service questions on your website. Do you listen back to some of these calls? Then you will hear what topics are alive among your target group. With these insights you can easily determine what new content should be placed on your website. That way you avoid 'unnecessary' phone calls, and you'll have time left over for calls that generate sales.

This is how call recording works

The 'Call recording' module is embedded in all of Qooqie's call tracking packages. All you need to do is briefly enable the module in the Qooqie call tracking application:

  1. Go to Call recording.
  2. Enable call recording with the slider halfway down this page.
  3. Click "Save.
  4. From now on, all calls you receive are recorded on a call tracking number. You can easily listen back to the recordings in the call tracking overview.

Call recording and the AVG

Observant readers were probably wondering: what about the AVG? No worries, because when you choose call recording from Qooqie, you automatically comply with all applicable privacy laws. Prior to each call, we play the following - legally required - notification: "Please note that this call is being recorded for quality control and training purposes." Are you already using a similar notification? If so, please get in touch with your regular contact at Qooqie.

Choose call recording from Qooqie

In this article, you read how call recording can be the key to many improvements within your organization. At Qooqie, call recording is part of call tracking. Call tracking is an innovative technology that allows you to measure telephone contact moments and conversions. This is an indispensable addition to the online conversions, which you undoubtedly already measure.

In short; choose Qooqie and:

  • From now on, make decisions based on complete data;
  • calculate a more complete ROI;
  • Improve your sales, customer service and marketing departments.
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Nick Velthuizen