Increase your ROI based on call assessment
Increase your ROI based on call assessment

Companies often know that a portion of their leads and sales come in by phone. But exactly how large this portion is, and the quality of these leads, is a big mystery. The solution is the call assessment module within the Qooqie call tracking application. You can then use the data generated from these reviews to further increase your ROI.

Call rating assigns value to your calls

Our call rating module is indispensable for good lead qualification. With it, you assign certain values to your calls. For example, you record whether a caller is an existing or new customer, whether the caller converted by telephone, and if so, what the order value was. This is just a small sample of the possibilities offered by call evaluation. In the Qooqie application, you decide how to set up this module. The same goes for the way the assessments take place. This can be done in 5 different ways:

  • Choice menu in advance
  • Device retrospective assessment
  • Live in the Qooqie application
  • Through an API connection
  • By exporting and importing lists

Choice menu in advance

With this method, prior to the call, the caller hears a welcome tape and a dial menu. In this way you measure with what intention someone calls. You do not measure the final result, i.e., whether the caller converted during the call, this way.

Device retrospective assessment

Do you choose this way? Then the employee who made the call reviews the call afterwards. This works easily via the keys on the phone. The advantage is that it gives you insight into the conversions that take place over the phone. A disadvantage is that employees can forget to assess the call. In fact, this method requires them to stay on the line for a while after the caller hangs up.

Live in the Qooqie application

Qooqie also offers the ability to rate broadcasters during the call in the application. This option is not yet available to everyone. Are you interested? If so, contact your regular contact at Qooqie.

Through an API connection

Do you prefer to rate your calls in your own system? We offer that option as well. The ratings will automatically appear in the Qooqie application as well. Based on this, we can then create a second event in Google Analytics. This provides even more detailed insight into your marketing performance.

By exporting and importing lists

Do you want to review the calls in your own system, but an API is not an option? Then you can also create a CSV export in the Qooqie application. You then import this into your own system, in which you can then process the assessments.


Data-driven optimization

After reviewing calls for a while, you have enough data to draw conclusions. For example, you get answers to the following questions:

  • Which campaigns get me the most new customers over the phone?
  • Which campaigns get me the biggest phone orders?
  • What does the customer journey of telephone-converting customers look like?

This information is a good starting point for making various optimizations. Think, for example, about targeting your campaigns even more precisely. Or setting up an automatic bidding strategy. This information also enables you to further optimize the customer journey. For example, by offering the right content in the right places on your website.

Which call review method suits me best

Call tracking is actually interesting for every organization. With call tracking, you already know which campaigns your leads are calling from. By expanding call tracking with the call evaluation module, you will also gain insight into how valuable these leads are. This allows you to optimize your campaigns in an even more targeted way. Your contact at Qooqie will be happy to help you choose the most suitable method of assessment during a Qooqie Quarter.
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Nick Velthuizen