What does call duration say about call quality
What does call duration say about call quality

Based on data, you can gain insights that would otherwise remain hidden. The duration of a phone call, for example, seems like a random piece of data that you as a marketer can do little with. But what if you collect data from all your incoming calls? Then you can discover patterns, for example, that say something about the quality of your leads. Ultimately, you can even use this data to improve the quality of telephone leads.

Warm leads tend to have longer conversations

At Qooqie, we've seen a tremendous amount of call data come by. One of the things that stands out in this is that the longer a phone call lasts, the more likely it is to be a quality lead. This also makes sense. Someone who is very interested in a company's product or service often has several questions. The call duration then quickly exceeds one minute.

Short conversations not necessarily worthless

But what about short conversations? Are they then by definition worthless? No way! It may be that those callers are not yet that far along in the customer journey and are still in the orientation phase. They may come back to you later for a purchase or order. Often we do see that you can consider the very short calls, of up to 15 seconds, as missed. You can't actually have a real conversation in that time.

Steer clear of valuable phone calls

As a company, do you have the ambition to grow? Then of course you want to connect with more warm leads. At Qooqie, we have the two ultimate tools you need for this:

Call Tracking

With Call Tracking, you find out the complete customer journey of your warm phone leads. You'll discover which campaigns generate the warmest leads and most valuable phone calls.

Lead Automation

With Lead Automation, every warm lead on your website can easily get in touch with you. Right now, or at a specific time in the future. This prevents you from losing them to competitors.

Find out how to generate more leads and more sales with Qooqie

The possibilities you read above are just the tip of the iceberg. Want to know how to get the most out of your phone leads with Qooqie's tools? Schedule an online demonstration with one of our specialists now.

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Nick Velthuizen