
4 secrets to a successful partnership

Of course, you don't enter into a partnership with another company for a few weeks. The intention is often to work together for a longer period of time. But then the right ingredients must be present for the partnership to succeed. At the end of the day, it has to be something for both parties...

Transfer Package

Switching to Qooqie is very simple. For this, we have put together a package so that it is clear what steps are taken. 1. Inventory We will first look at which websites will be transferred, together we look at which phone numbers should be measured on the website, so that this can be included for...

Qooqie Leads: The solution to Lead leakage

Lead leakage is one of the biggest problems facing commercial organizations. And what makes it extra difficult: many companies don't know they are suffering from lead leakage. You can notice a leaking water pipe, but leads leaking to competitors are less easy to detect. Fortunately, there is now Lead Automation....

4 solutions for lead leakage

In a previous article, we wrote that organizations could connect with 7% more leads on average. For most companies, this just doesn't work out. This is because warm leads leak away to competitors. This relatively unknown problem is called lead leakage. In this article you will read how this problem...

What does call duration say about call quality

Based on data, you can gain insights that would otherwise remain hidden. The duration of a phone call, for example, seems like a random piece of data that you as a marketer can do little with. But what if you collect data from all your incoming calls? Then you can discover patterns, for example, that say something ...

Psst... Did you know your leads are cheating?

You invest a lot of money in them, but due to a lack of attention they still end up in the arms of their neighbor. This, of course, is about warm leads that come to your website, and end up converting at the competitor's because you didn't follow up with them fast enough. Lead leakage is what we call it. For...