
Changing phone numbers are not confusing

At Qooqie, we speak to many marketing agencies and end customers about call tracking. Marketers unfamiliar with this technique are often positively surprised at all the insights call tracking can offer their organization. Yet there are also organizations with some cold feet. After all, isn't it confusing for website visitors to see changing...

Measure calls from specific traffic sources

Among other things, call tracking gives you insight into which traffic sources are responsible for telephone conversions. Of course you can measure all traffic sources by default. But you can also consciously choose to use call tracking for just one or a few traffic sources. Depending on what your goal is, this could be several...

Colleague speaking: Nick Velthuizen

This month in "Colleague to the Word," it's Nick Velthuizen's turn. Many partners and customers know Nick, and Nick knows them. As Customer Success Manager, he is the go-to person when it comes to technical questions and coming up with customized solutions. But what if even...

Telephone leads convert more often

In a previous article, we gave you five reasons why a caller is more valuable than an online lead. One is that leads who contact a company by phone are, on average, much further along in their buying process than leads who fill out a form on the website. For that reason, they convert...

How does Call Tracking affect SEO?

Organizations primarily use call tracking to tie phone conversions and contact moments to PPC campaigns. But did you know that you can also use Qooqie's call tracking tool to optimize your SEO performance? And speaking of SEO; some marketers considering call tracking sometimes worry that it might actually have negative...