
Reap the benefits of a Qooqie data call

Among Dutch marketing agencies, Qooqie is the supplier of call tracking. But we prefer to profile ourselves not only as a supplier, but above all as a strategic partner who works with you to achieve the best results for your clients. We are convinced that call tracking can have a major impact on many of your clients,...

Calls in Google Analytics

Google Analytics shows how website visitors found your website and how they move through your website. Qooqie integrates with your current Google Analytics account by sending call data to the targets you have created within Google Analytics. How it works Each call is sent on...

Rate telephone leads for more complete data

Call tracking measures how callers found your business. This data is used by marketers to determine the success of marketing efforts and optimize campaigns. While optimizing campaigns, the question remains, what did these calls generate or which department was called for? After all, if...

Become future-proof with Qooqie's integrations

A profound change is coming to marketers. In 2023, we will say goodbye to third-party cookies. Many browsers have already stopped doing this, and in that year even the most widely used browser Google Chrome will no longer accept these cookies. In one fell swoop, an important source of data will disappear....

From now on, report based on complete data

As a marketer, do you sometimes feel that you are missing conversion data? And that you therefore create reports that are not entirely complete? Understandable, because if you are not measuring phone contact moments and conversions, you are indeed missing data. Whether this is a problem, and how to close this gap in your data,...

Start with call tracking

If you want to get started with Qooqie call tracking, you can do so very quickly. The call tracking integration for your website is designed so that you do not need help from a developer. Because of the integration with Google Tag Manager, you can independently place the script on the website. And...