Telephone leads convert more often

In a previous article, we gave you five reasons why a caller is more valuable than an online lead. One is that leads who contact a company by phone are, on average, much further along in their buying process than leads who fill out a form on the website. For that reason, they convert...

How does Call Tracking affect SEO?

Organizations primarily use call tracking to tie phone conversions and contact moments to PPC campaigns. But did you know that you can also use Qooqie's call tracking tool to optimize your SEO performance? And speaking of SEO; some marketers considering call tracking sometimes worry that it might actually have negative...

Reap the benefits of a Qooqie data call

Among Dutch marketing agencies, Qooqie is the supplier of call tracking. But we prefer to profile ourselves not only as a supplier, but above all as a strategic partner who works with you to achieve the best results for your clients. We are convinced that call tracking can have a major impact on many of your clients,...

Calls in Google Analytics

Google Analytics shows how website visitors found your website and how they move through your website. Qooqie integrates with your current Google Analytics account by sending call data to the targets you have created within Google Analytics. How it works Each call is sent on...